The World is My Paper

The Spilled Beans Series is a collection of the author's random thoughts and deliriums. It does not really fall into one mood as the writer suffers from bipolar disorder. Mood swings also affect the humor and drama. Although some of these entries were published in papers, majority are fresh from the writer's keyboard.


...the Supreme Editor never edits. He lets you check your work
...the greatest irony is to be the prisoner of another man. is better to lose your pride than to lose someone you love man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter
...the hardest though most beautiful lesson is to forgive
...freedom of speech could also mean freedom to spit
...what you believe in is not always right nor the truth
...we are strongest at our weakest points
...there is a time to kill and a time to die
...there is always something write is already to choose is real and permanent
...the most beautiful artwork in this world is you one ever lie. We just do not tell everything
..."unanswered prayers" are answered with a "no" is the only thing that will never get out of style
...our only difference from other people is their names
...there is no bad or wrong; only opinion and perception
...the right to suffrage could sometimes lead to sufferings
..."no comment" can be loosely translated as "guilty as charged"
...the Omnipotent takes something away for something bigger learn is to commit a lot of mistakes on the way.